ALLEMAGNE- Hochschule Kempten, Kempten
- Hochschule Heidelberg, Heidelberg
- Hochschule Worms university of Applied sciences, Worms
ANGLETERRE- University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham
- University of Central Lancashire, Preston
- University College Birmingham, Birmingham
ARGENTINE- Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Buenos Aires
AUSTRALIE- Riverton Institute of Business & Technology, Queensland
- Australian Catholic University, Sydney
- Macquarie University, Sydney
AUTRICHE- Fachhhochschule Krems, Krems
- Fachhochschule Oberösterreich, Steyr
- Johannes Kepler University, Linz
BELGIQUE- Haute Ecole Libre Mosane, Liège
- Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Anvers
- Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Bruges - Coutrai
- Karel de Grote-hogeschool, Anvers
- University of Hasselt, Hasselt
CANADA- Vancouver Island University, Vancouver
- George Brown College, Toronto
CHINE- Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin
- Guangzhou University, Guangzhou
- Shanghai University, Shanghai
CHYPRE- Paphos Neapolis University, Paphos
CORÉE- Hankuk University of foreign studies, Seoul
DANEMARK- Professionshøjskolen UCC, Copenhague
ECOSSE- University of Abertay-Dundee, Dundee
- University of the West of Scotland, Paisley
- Heriot Watt University, Edinbourg
- The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
- Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Gandía
- Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife
- Universidad de Huelva, Hueva
- Universidad de Malaga, Malaga
HONGRIE- IBS international Business School, Budapest
| INDE- Alliance University, Bengalore
IRLANDE- Athlone Institute of Technology, Athlone
- Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk
- Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow
- Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire
- Institute of Technology Sligo, Sligo
- Institute of Technology Tralee, Tralee
- Griffith College, Dublin
ITALIE- Università della Calabria, Arcavacata
- International University, Rome
LIBAN- Lebanese Canadian University, Aïntoura - Kesrouan
MALAISIE- Universiti Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
MEXIQUE- Universidad de León, León
NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE- Lincoln University, Christchurch
- Auckland university of Technology, Auckland
NORVÈGE- Høgskolen i Lillehammer, Lillehammer
PAYS-BAS- Avans Hogeschool, Hertogenbosch
- Hogeschool Zeeland, Vlissingen
- Hogeschool InHolland, Amsterdam, Diemen, Haarlem
- Hanze Hogeschool, Groningen
POLOGNE- Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Toruń
- State university of Applied Sciences, Konin
PORTUGAL- Institute of Setubal, Setubal
RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE- Vysoká Škola Finančí a Správní, Prague
SLOVÉNIE- GEA College of Entrepreneurship, Ljubljana
SUÈDETHAÏLANDETURQUIE- Haliç University, Istambul
USA- Brenau University, Gainesville
- Riverside California University, California